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your people are waiting for you.

Liferise is currently in closed alpha. Think you're a good fit? Join the waitlist for donations-only membership access.  

Have you noticed how many smart people with tons of potential feel trapped in their own lives?

Let me give you a preview.


And sometimes it does feel that way. 

Sometimes we feel capable, powerful, even indispensable.

But often it doesn't feel that way.

We're capable of so much, yet often we feel disenchanted, uninspired, bored, disappointed, and trapped.

Have you ever wondered WHY it sometimes feels like you're living in a cage of unfulfillment? Because there IS an explanation.

surreal art of conformist robots in business attire


    It's no coincidence that:

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    Most smart people don't go after their passions because they're afraid of failure (and what others might think.)

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    Smart people tend to speak up less, negotiate less, socialize and connect less, and are generally less likely to feel like their life actually belongs to them as they get older (especially if they are neurodivergent, have ADHD, or some other reason they feel like they have to mask who they are to function.)

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    Smart, high-potential people are drowning in self-doubt and impostor syndrome and they rarely ask for what they're worth.

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    Smart people feel lonely, stifled, burnt-out, and disempowered to change their lives to match their ideals—or even acknowledge their own true preferences.

It's because society has gotten inside your brain.

Society has taught us to think in ways that hold us back, convince us to play small, and shy away from our true potential.

The insidious thing about society teaching you to play small is that you can't even tell it's happening.


    You think the thoughts, and they seem like they're YOUR thoughts.

    But they aren't. They're messages from a society that undermines our confidence, stifles innovation, and encourages conformity. And we're all susceptible to its influence. So, what happens?

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    You don't take risks that you know lead to your dream life.

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    You settle for jobs that suffocate your personal and financial growth.

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    You shy away from new experiences and opportunities.

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    You isolate yourself from others and deprive yourself of real connection (except for maybe a select person or two.)

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    You keep quiet even when you're overflowing with curiosity, ideas, and solutions.

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    You start to lose sight of your real opinion—even your real self.

In short, you smother your potential and your authentic self in exchange for some sense of success and security that never comes.


We spend money and time on sh*t that doesn't help us actually fulfill our potential.

Listen, I love a splurge on Appsumo as much as anyone, but a new productivity app isn't going to solve my time management problem when my time management problem is caused by the thought that the way my brain naturally works is wrong and I have to rewire myself to conform to someone else's system before I even have a chance at success. Right? Right.  

That's why learning how to forget what I've been taught has always been my favorite thing to do with my money, on every level.  

And that's why:

It's time to say f*ck the system(s) and start living life on your terms.


An online coaching community for smart people who are done with trying to live someone else's version of "success." 

    Liferise teaches you to liberate yourself from the inside out. And that means:

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    Not worrying about pleasing your boss (even if that's you!), because you know you are capable of doing great work and don't need external validation to feel confident in your abilities.

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    Not being consumed by insecurity or anxiety about whether others find you smart / valuable / worthy / funny / attractive, because you have the self-assurance and confidence to know that you are doing your best and are valuable in your own right.

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    Not feeling guilty as a high-achieving individual who is also trying to balance family life, because you have the tools and support to manage your time and prioritize your responsibilities effectively.

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    Feeling secure about taking time for yourself, because you know that self-care is essential for maintaining your well-being and success.

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    Feeling good about taking time to pursue your passions, because you know that investing in your own growth and happiness ultimately benefits everyone around you.

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    Not caring if others think you are too intellectual, too perfectionistic, too serious, too unconventional, or too intense. Because you know that your unique traits and strengths are what make you stand out and excel.

It's the community of smart, authentic people you didn't know existed and can't live without. 



"If you want a coach who is not afraid to explore the places you need to go, then Cas is the coach for you."

amanda barta testimonia

Shawn Sparks

Gourmet Chef, Coach

We are only going to be able to create authentic success when we succeed authentically.

Not just intellectually, but emotionally.

Not just in theory, but in reality too.

surreal polaroids of a person alone on a road and transcendence


I built the online business, got the Fortune100 clients, helped drive adoption for some of the most advanced technologies in the world.

I bought my house, had two kids with a loving partner, got up at 5AM, healed my childhood trauma...

And I still felt terrible. 

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    I preached work-life balance, but I lost countless hours in "standby mode," fretting about impending meetings and work that made me feel resentful and bored.

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    I talked about taking risks and being innovative, but I was afraid to step outside the bounds of what was expected of me.

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    I knew that the media was distorting my view of success and happiness, but I couldn't stop striving for more, hoping that if I just achieved that next big thing, I would finally feel fulfilled.

Eventually in my quest to succeed (and, let's be real, to fix myself because I still thought I was missing something important), I discovered life coaching. I joined programs from other coaches, and each one of them helped me grow exponentially more than anything I had done on my own.

I trained as a trauma recovery coach, and then in transformation, confidence, and entrepreneurship coaching.

The tools I was learning to shift my thought patterns helped, and I started to help other people face the things that held them back from living authentically.

And then I saw it—I realized the thoughts that people were bringing me—friends, partners, peers—they weren't isolated. They weren't accidental. They weren't random.

They were a product of society. They followed specific patterns that matched how smart people (like "gifted kids") are socialized and taught to think about themselves.

And yet every person who comes to me thinks they're the only one who feels like they're stuck as an impostor in their own life.

They think they're crazy for not feeling fulfilled by their accomplishments. Or that they're lazy (or even broken) for not doing more with their high intelligence.

They're afraid to admit their struggles, worried that they'll be seen as weak, incompetent, or ungrateful.


"Cas allowed me space to define better boundaries for myself and move through some very difficult situations with grace and strength."

amanda barta testimonia

Amanda Barta

Entrepreneur, Coach


They need—ALL of us need—systems aligned with our strengths.

We all need a supportive place to break free from the thought-loops that hold us back.

I developed coaching tools specifically tailored to the needs of high-intelligence, high-potential people and tested them on myself.

I designed everything to help clients break through their self-doubt into levels of creativity, innovation, and fulfillment they had always imagined were possible…but never thought could be for them.

Knowing intellectually that we're not meant to fit into predefined boxes doesn't translate into the confidence to chart our own paths. That's why we need customized systems that work for us as individuals, and help us unleash our full potential.


An online coaching community for smart people where you can unlearn all the fall-in-line bullsh*t society has fed you and bond with other renegade geniuses who are doing the same. 

Because even visionaries deserve company in navigating a world built for conformity. 



    But now you have somewhere to go. Anytime. Anywhere. For anything. And a community that has your back.

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    Because you're always going to be different than the people who fit neatly into the roles society built for them.

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    Because you deserve support and encouragement on your journey and a place you can go to celebrate your victories with people who actually get it.

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    Because a tribe of people who value you, challenge you, and inspire you to become your truest, most extravagantly successful self is one of the best things that can happen to you. Ever.

  • Because the world is always going to try to make you feel like you're doing something wrong if you want to do them different, better—that you should change who you are and how you think so you can "succeed."

    The self-help industry alone is expected to be worth $14.0 billion by 2025. That's 9 zeros. $14,000,000,000.

    If you laid out all of those dollar bills end to end you could get from the Earth to the moon and back again almost four times. That's a sh*tload of money being spent on becoming something different than what you are.

    You can solve your problem once and for all for a fraction of what you'd spend on new planners and apps and productivity systems and personal development books that fill your head with yet another consideration, another step in the cycle of overthinking and second-guessing, and another pressure to conform to someone else's idea of success. And, unlike a lot of that, this sh*t works.

Radical self-acceptance isn't about being special.

It's a paradigm shift.

It's a movement where we
co-create a world where everyone can live up to their potential. 


Conversations that dig deep.
A community that helps you grow.
Progress that will blow your mind.


Joining Liferise gives you structure, accountability, and consistency in managing your mind—and that uplevels your whole life. Here’s how we make the magic happen:

Shift Your Paradigm

The Liferise Methodology

Step-by-step, week-by-week suggestions on releasing societal programming, reclaiming your authenticity, and unleashing your potential.

Develop your own customized systems that actually work and start building success on your own terms.

Learn & Unlearn

Expert Training Courses

Access to additional on-demand, self-paced courses including all specialty courses.

Plus, get a repository of self-guided activities, worksheets, guides, and checklists to help you embrace what comes naturally to you
(Unlocked in Month 3 ~8weeks)

Connect & Grow

Live Coaching Calls

Join others like you in weekly group coaching sessions (60-minutes) Engage in group activities that help you explore the relational and social aspects of your identity (and your societal programming)

Involvement in a safe space to experiment and iterate on new ways of existing and interacting where you can freely and fully express your authentic self.

Go Deeper

Expert Guidance

Weekly Mentorship Calls (Open-Ended + Spot Coaching + Peer Support)

Weekly topics meant to spark the embodiment of your potential and further your journey toward a life that feels successful, engaging, meaningful to you

The best part? That's a sh*tload of value, every month, but you get it for only $97 a month

DONATIONS-ONLY: Liferise is currently in alpha stage and resources are still being built. During this time, entry to Liferise is on a donations-only basis (e.g. FREE up to whatever you'd like to donate to support the growth of this program).

So if you could benefit from Liferise, but don't have the spare money to invest in yourself, now is a perfect time to join. 

The only thing I ask in return is constructive feedback and a 100% honest testimonial about how Liferise has helped you.

Your membership will remain donations-only for as long as you stay active in the community, even once this is a paid program for new people who join. So this is basically lifetime access for whatever you want to pay. Whoohoo!

Let me summarize: It’s going to be your favorite place on the Internet as soon as you join.


What's it like to be a member of Liferise?

After a month in Liferise, you’ll start noticing that you feel more liberated and free.

In the first month of the Liferise coaching program, we’ll uncover the influence of society on making smart people conform, play small, and otherwise limit their potential in order to fit in. We will work together to identify and release any limiting beliefs or subconscious thoughts that have been holding you back. You will start to feel a sense of liberation as you embrace your true potential.

You'll notice that you're effortlessly getting more done. You'll begin to feel more confident about your abilities and worth, and you'll start to be a little kinder to yourself. You'll spend less time in thought loops of overthinking and analysis paralysis and more time taking action toward the life of your dreams. 

After two months in Liferise, you'll start to see that your "flaws" are actually your greatest strengths.

In the second month, we will focus on your internal influences. You will learn more about your unique strengths and traits that may have been considered "wrong" or "flaws" by others. We will help you embrace these qualities and develop your creativity and excitement. You will start to build systems and ideals of success that are suitable for you and learn how to handle impostor syndrome when it arises.

After three months in Liferise, you'll start living and connecting on your terms.

In the third month, you will take the internal work we've done and apply it to the external world. You will learn to share your authentic self and strengths with others and embrace the uniqueness of those around you. You will start to find opportunities that align with your strengths and values by showing up with your whole self, and you'll build real connections with the people around you. By the end of the month, you will feel empowered to build the life you've always wanted and fulfill your true potential.

After that, you'll go even deeper into embracing your potential, start to develop ways to sustain your progress, build deeper self-assurance, and celebrate your victories with people who get it.


Are you tempted to join but worried about how you'll find time to work through all these amazing resources?

All of these resources are self-guided. You can go through them at whatever pace suits your life. Group coaching sessions offer major value, but nobody is going to shame you if you miss a week or two. Once you realize how much value you're getting out of the program, time will open up in your life, because you'll be releasing things that don't matter quite as much. 


Can't make time to show up for group coaching? We also offer a self-guided only membership here.  (Coming soon)


Check Out Frequently Asked Questions Below!

What kinds of topics will Liferise help me with?

We are building an entire library of resources on releasing limiting beliefs, embracing authenticity, developing systems that work with your unique strengths, and creating success on your terms that actually feels fulfilling (unlike a bunch of empty accolades and accomplishments.)

What is the time commitment for Liferise?

There is no minimum time commitment. Show up for yourself—whether it's 10 minutes a day or an hour. Once you start seeing results, you'll naturally open up more time for your development. Start wherever you're at today and the rest will take care of itself. 

Is there a minimum required or recommended amount of months to truly benefit from the program?

There's no set amount of time for you to see results. In the first two months, you'll get through the primary content of the Liferise Methodology, but there will always be more to learn through additional courses, group coaching, guest experts, etc. Some people may join to transform only certain elements of their life, while others might be looking for more holistic transformation.

Whatever time you spend in Liferise will benefit you.

Can I unsubscribe at any time?

Yes, you can cancel or change your membership at any time. If you cancel, your membership you'll have until the end of your current billing period to continue to benefit from all the content, perks, and community at Liferise. 

How can I connect with other members in Liferise also doing this work?

We are developing an online community platform you can use to connect, but you can also talk to other members during group coaching calls, events, and weekly celebrations and mentorship calls.

Can any age join Liferise? Are you able to help someone older, with more ‘entrenched’ and engrained brain habits?

Yes. It's never too late to learn to embrace yourself and your true potential. Even a lifetime of societal programming can fade with the right tools and right community.

Is there an opportunity for private coaching?

Yes! Cas offers 1:1 coaching as well as small-group mastermind coaching. Cohorts and other live, focused curriculum are also available. 

Will I be coached by Cas in Liferise?

Yes! Cas will be participating in most all of the live coaching calls. 

What You're Gonna Get...

When you invest in yourself by joining the Liferise community and coaching program.

Full Access To The Liferise Methodology

Access the Liferise methodology with step-by-step, week-by-week suggestions on releasing societal programming, reclaiming your authenticity, and unleashing your potential. Develop your own customized systems that actually work and start building success on your own terms.

New modules are released to you weekly, but you can take as much time as you need.

($1200 Value)

Group Coaching & Community

Join others like you in weekly group coaching sessions (60-minutes) Engage in group activities that help you explore the relational and social aspects of your identity (and your societal programming)

Involvement in a safe space to experiment and iterate on new ways of existing and interacting where you can freely and fully express your authentic self.

Access to Discord community (with accountability partners, body doubling, and more)

($499 Value)

Live Mentorship & Celebrations

Weekly Mentorship Calls (Open-Ended + Spot Coaching + Peer Support)

Weekly Success Celebration to share in (and learn from) one another’s wins in a space of encouragement and support

($299 Value)

The following perks start in month 3. Read more about why here.

Self-Guided Courses

Access to additional on-demand, self-paced courses including all specialty courses.

($1100 Value)

Activity Repository

Repository of self-guided activities, worksheets, guides, and checklists to help you embrace what comes naturally to you. 

Plus, recommended reading and an evolving list of journal prompts meant to help you discover, challenge, and reflect on your journey back to your true potential

($299 Value)

Experiential Challenges

List of experiential challenges to help you discover your societal programming, untether your potential, and test your progress

($299 Value)

Coming Soon! Monthly Mentors & Guest Speakers

Coming Soon! Mastermind Matching & Facilitation

Coming Soon! Full Online Community

Liferise is in ALPHA! Donations Only Membership. Be among the first and leave your mark.

DONATIONS-ONLY: Liferise is currently in alpha stage and resources are still being built.

During this time, entry to Liferise is on a donations-only basis (e.g. FREE up to whatever you'd like to donate to support the growth of this program).

So if you could benefit from Liferise, but don't have the spare money to invest in yourself, now is a perfect time to join.

The only thing I ask in return is constructive feedback and a 100% honest testimonial about how Liferise has helped you.

Your membership will remain donations-only for as long as you stay active in the community, even once this is a paid program for new people who join. So this is basically lifetime access for whatever you want to pay. Whoohoo!

You Can Now Get Alpha Access 
To Liferise On Gumroad

Click the button below and get started now! 

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© 2023 Liferise